According to Dr. Russell Belk (who has written lots of great papers on the psychology of collecting the average woman in the USA owns over 30 pairs of shoes. Citing from William Rossi’s 1976 book The Sex Life of the Foot and Shoe, Belk also claimed that 80% of shoes are bought for purposes of sexual attraction.
M. Griffiths PhD
This book lead me to create for those of us steeped in secrecy, hidden with our fetish to enjoy our passion. Rossi stops short of the actual shoe fetish but this site does not stop short. It also helps researchers to get some accurate detail from those of us who are not out of our minds but find the shoe boot fetish enhances our lives.
With the growth of XXX data I knew I wasn't alone anymore and many used this site as a foundation for their XXX work. We talk about things that were literally in the closet. Maybe for a shoe fetishist our joy is getting into the closet. Well let me state at least me, I love her shoes and the used women's shoes and boots I have added. LOL-- but isn't it time to live your fetish instead of hide it???
* “Almost every woman is not only conscious of her feet, but sexually conscious about them.” (Andre Perugia, shoe designer)
xxx DYK
By now you may have, or, should have concluded that your shoe fetish is a real sexual orientation and most with a shoe fetish are actually;
SHOE FETISH AND WOMEN OR MEN or for some more..
The Sex Life of the Foot
and Shoe (Hardcover) at
amazon - a great shoe fetish boot fetish retifism book.
This incredible book by William Rossi is back
– at least for now!!! If you have not
read it, it is a must --- when you are done I then suggest “OUT OF THE CLOSET” A
shoe fetish book with research, studies, commentary, and cases.
I read this book many, many years ago and
have always wanted to obtain my own copy, and to read it again. I found this
book to be UTTERLY FASCINATING...., interesting and a good giggle in places.
The author clearly knows his subject, and one learns, for instance, the mystery
behind Cinderella's glass slipper. It is NOT only a book for people with foot
fetishes. It's a great read and I would recommend it to anyone. I can assure
you that after reading this book, you will start noticing the shoes people
wear... as certain types of people wear certain types of shoes.... SO TRUE! I
just LOVE women in BOOTS!! Read all about it for yourselves!!!! (It will probably
make you rush out and buy "appropriate" shoes!!!
I read this book a few years ago as well when
I was doing research as a PsyD student. My thesis and research included this
fetish and I found this book very useful, and significant up to date from the
older material available such as Psycho-Sexualis by Krafft and Ebbing. It was
right on target and fun to read. The life of a true shoe fetishist is very interesting and very solo, but the life of shoe play incorporated into a sex
life can be incredible with the right shoes. Although I never became a shoes
only fetishist the experiments with women and their shoes turned out to be
erotic and lots of fun. I only wish there was a sequel to this book with more
current and explicit details for couples. My partner and I discovered so much
more that can be done in play the book became a great starting point. Another
discovery that we made was that although women do not share the same fetish as
men they can, if open to experiment, share aspects of the fetish differently,
but with just as much excitement and tension as men. As I have always felt,
some designers of high fashion women's footwear may have utility in mind,
(boring) but some designers "get it" and have a lot more in mind than
utility when they design a woman's shoe or boot it is clearly to create sexual
This most delightful book is not only erotic
and impossible to put down but is extremely well documented. The author cites
over 100 sources to support his points. Many historical references to
implications of various styles are nicely illustrated with drawings and
photographs. It is impossible to refrain from self-analysis and sizing up the
personalities of those around you based on the psychosexual themes conveyed
through dressing the foot. The book is a comprehensive look at the historical
and contemporary implications of the role feet and shoes play in flirtation and
“Foot fetishism has been a powerful sub-division of sex since shoes were first created. Many scholars accept feet were used as convenient metaphors for the genitalia. Keen, perhaps, to downplay emphasis on the generative process, the belief set of many pagan religions, the ancient Hebrews took the foot and made it a gender icon. According to Brame, the definition of foot fetishism is a pronounced sexual interest in the lower limb or anything that covers portions of them. The allure normally attributed to erogenous zones is literally translocated downward and the fetishist response to the foot is the same as a conventional person’s arousal at seeing genitals. (Brame & Jacobs 1996). Freud considered foot binding as a form of fetishism…Foot fetishists tend to keep their inclination concealed for fear of social ridicule or other apprehensions. Published research indicates fetishists have poorly developed social skills, are quite isolated in their lives and have a diminished capacity for establishing intimacy. Rossi (1990) reported the majority of male fetishists were married, living perfectly conventional lives with their spouse, who in turn was fully aware of partner’s behaviors and preferences”.
Unsurprisingly, Sancaktar asserts that shoe fetishists are similar to foot fetishists but their stimulus (the shoe) becomes the total focus for arousal (rather than the foot within it). He cites Freud and says that he considered the shoe as symbolically representing female genitalia and that the foot symbolically represented a male phallus and when the foot entered the shoe, the union was symbolically complete. (Annoyingly, Freud doesn’t appear in the references so I am unsure which of Freud’s works is being referred to). Quoting from Valerie Steele’s book, he also notes that “The naked foot itself is not as erotically appealing, the shoe raises up the foot and gives it mystery and allure so it’s not just a piece of meat”. He then goes on to say that:
“According to [Steele], since the 1880s, high heeled shoes have been almost entirely associated with femininity with the exception of cowboy boots. Retifists usually collect women’s shoes and have exquisite taste for elegant style. Their preference covers the seven basic shoe styles described by Rossi (1993) and materials such as leather and furs often influence their choice. Retifists will personalize their collection by giving names to their favourite shoes. Freud was convinced all women were clothes fetishist, and believed clothes were worn to provocatively shield the erotic body. Most authorities now acknowledge there is a difference between foot and shoe fetishism and someone who innocently collects shoes…There are degrees of fetishes, according to Steele. Using the example of high heeled shoes, she said that most people are level one or two, finding them appealing. Her example of level three was a French writer who followed women in Paris wearing high heeled shoes. She gave for an example of level four, Marla Maples’ ex-publicist, who was found guilty of stealing Maples’ shoes. ‘He denied being a fetishist, but admitted that he had a sexual relationship with Marla’s shoes’, Steele said”.