Shoe & Boot Fetish 
Problems and Issues
I WOKE Up THIS MORNING and the first thing I wanted was to do one of her shoes just sitting there and make love to the other.  It felt like it was waiting for me.

Is this a problem?
I am angry that after all of this time they still put out articles that discuss manually using your hands and a shoe to masturbate.  

It is so much more than that but they need to complete their research.

Bob from Atlanta
There is a problem with having a shoe fetish. It's simple regardless of your plans if you put shoes out you are probably going to be interrupted and you will make time to fuck the shoes you put out.  Shoes are so hard to resist and feel so incredible that sometimes I just go when I have other plans.  When this happens I have a short saying I use "I fucked the shoes and the shoes won"

Thankfully I am able to recoup and still live out my plans but the heat is a bit Lower because I had a great shoe fuck.  This can at times be a small problem.

Nevada Eddie

For many years, actually most of my life It was a blast to have a sex partner but now that my member doesn't do so well (ED) I just love sexy used women's shoes more and more Everything said on this sight is mostly true except if I just play with shoes it absorbs me and the longer it takes for me to orgasm.  But goodness they still feel incredible even if it takes a long time to orgasm.  

What I found is it's even more fun kissing, fondling, and trying on many shoes & boots until one works.  Sadly being older to orgasm now takes again a fairly long time and I don't get very hard anymore but I look inside the shoe and my passion for making love to shoes absorbs me and that time and yes eventually my not so firm member will blow once again. Not like when I was younger but it still feels great.  My passion and desire to deeply try to fuck a shoe or boot has not declined only increased yet my ability has changed.  Every shoe has a unique feel and my passion for them is growing endlessly.  

My biggest problem is finding the well used designer shoes and boots that I love to have sex with.  I look at some wearing great shoes and I once wanted them, now, I would love to have their shoes but the problem is I no longer want the women.  EBAY has been a blessing for finding shoes that I love but even so it is hit and miss.  Not all of the shoes are ready for prime time or have undesirable odors.  Yet still some work perfectly.  

Thanks again from Boston
I read Bostons note and realized this is a problem I have always been frustrated by since my fetish began as a youth.  Unlike other men who wanted women I wanted hot sexy women shoes.  This site has helped me to understand I am not alone but when many look at the person they are attracted to I am always looking at her shoes as well.  I have always felt like this and it took a very long time to realize it is definitely the shoes as I asked myself what is this, can I really be that in love with shoes?  The answer is yes I am and I'm not concerned anymore, not all shoes but when the shoe that attracts me is available I'm going to fall and make love with.  I also agree this is far beyond masturbation.  Sometimes I feel my shoe love is a problem until I am surrounded by hot sex incredible shoes and I forget that thought and enjoy the shoes.

This is a great sight for me it helped me a lot to know so many more share my fetish.   



You Can't always judge a shoe at first glance  A very unlikely shoe was bought just because it was inexpensive and just looked interesting, all leather, and more unique than any shoes on these pages or any shoe in my collection.  When it arrived I set it aside and later looked closer at them and was surprised how amazing they appeared.  It was older, and the had plenty of wear lines and it was a very soft full leather Italian made shoe inside and out.

What happened next was a 3 day binge on these shoes.  Perhaps this ranks as one of the best sex shoes I have ever owned and I never suspected it.  I will try to get you pictures soon.

From an EBAY shopper

New add on:
When I started playing it was slow but the inside was incredible and when I climbed on top it was beyond one of the best shoes I have ever had.  I opened the straps and my face fit perfectly down in the shoe.  It wrapped around my face as I entered deeper and it became irresistible.  "I think I did these maybe 6 or 7 times".  I agree this is no longer masturbation I was really loving and fucking these shoes.

The Problem,,,, Maybe:
Truth, yes I have a light shoe fetish and have masturbated into a shoe, but, nothing was the same after this experience.

I read the section on walking in the closet once stoned & and thought OK.  I had some really good marijuana and smoked it on the porch.  I wasn't even considering shoes or intentionally walking into the closet but I needed a shower and I until I walked into our closet & yes I was stoned.  I looked around and was fixated and could not resist looking at her many shoes & boots.  Before I knew it I was making out and kissing a couple of pairs and I took several to the bed.  My goodness it turned out to be the best sex I had ever had.  It turned out that I went from masturbation to an advanced shoe fetish instantly.  

I didn't really understand it and how a shoe unlike any other fetish could become an actual sexuality.  The problem is now I want to constantly find really good sex shoes and make love to them constantly.  Who knew I could literally fall in love with shoes and boots?  I didn't know that used shoes could feel as incredible as intercourse!  They do!  My problem is now I think of shoes when I am with my wife. I asked her to wear shoes during sex.  So far so good and it has kept the focus on shoes but also on her.

Thanks Paul- who knew? 

A side note:  I now look at the curves in a woman's foot and then look at some women's shoes and see so much more than shoes.  I wonder if the designers knew what they were doing? I do not think even those who joke about this fetish know what they are missing.  It was an amazing cross over.