Send us your story,

if written well & interesting we may post it


If not 21, "EXIT NOW"  --- By entering you are declaring you are OVER THE AGE OF 21.


By the way, who says some women don't  do more than just go shoe shopping? 


That's Nonsense !!!

Of course some do.

Sure I can include pictures of guys and their fetish, we know what they do.  So with so many random public posted images of women  all over the internet I thought I would include a few of these. 



It is so much more interesting and fun for men to know there are receptive female counterparts.  Their fetish may not be the same, as some men, but it does  exist and for some women  it is a lot more involved than just shopping.  It is nice to know there are open minded partners.There was a time when a shoe fetish was only attributed to men.



We can thank todays couture designers for making modern shoes so fashionable and erotic that they can no longer be ignored by either sex


And yes we know some of these pictures were probably staged but we also kknow that some were not they came off os lesbian sites.


Shoe Fetish Lesbians

This site doesn't exist

 just for women 


Darn it the things many shoe fetishists could teach a lesbian shoe fetish girl !!!

Shoe Fetish

Foot Fetish    

This woman gets both.  

It seems she will also get a very good

session of lesbian sex.

Shoe Fetish Women - Could you just imagine this. Double WoW !!!

Shoe Fetish Fucking --- There are pictures on the XXX shoe fetish sites that show women actually doing shoes.  For now this site has choosen not to include these.  This site is designed to help people determine just how many ways and options they might have for shoe fetish play. 



Also this site didn't include the hard core BDSM, wet, dirty, muddy, golden shower and other variations of the shoe fetish.  If there is such a thing, This site has kept focus on the basic shoe and boot fetish.  

Shoe Fetish

Shoe & Foot Girl

Shoe Fetish

 Foot Slaves

Shoe Fetish
Shoe Kissing During Lesbian Sex

Shoe Fetish 

Put yourself  into the drivers seat in this 

Jimmy Choo

high heeled zippered black leather

flesh color lined very used size 9 boot.


How does it feel???. 


Don't forget to put it in drive with a little silicone Platinum Wet lube and there will be

no stopping you .

Shoe Fetish


It's simple, do you want to be inside or not? 


If you do you probably will enjoy this web site. 

Shoe Fetish

For a shoe fetishist this is one hot area.  For the non fetishist it is just the inside of a shoe.  There are two ways of looking at something. 


For the shoe fetisihist it is the shape, the design, the womans toe & foot prints, the fact that it is worn and refelcts a wearer that all add up to what's so much more inside a hot package.

Shoe Fetish

The Jimmy Choo Boot

Shoe Fetish

One more view

of Jimmy Choo

Shoe Fetish

Zanotti made this flat bootie that is not only hot to look at but fun to play with.

Shoe Fetish

& Nylon Sniffing Fetish 1

Shoe Fetish

& Nylon Sniffing Fetish 2

Shoe Fetish

& Nylon Sniffing Fetish 3

Shoe Fetish

& Nylon Sniffing Fetish 4

Shoe Fetish

& Nylon Sniffing Fetish 5

Shoe Fetish

& Nylon Sniffing Fetish 6

Shoe Fetish

& Nylon Sniffing Fetish 7

Shoe Fetish

& Nylon Sniffing Fetish 8

Shoe Fetish

& Nylon Sniffing Fetish 9

Shoe Fetish

& Nylon Sniffing Fetish 10

Shoe Fetish

& Nylon Sniffing Fetish 11

Shoe Fetish

& Nylon Sniffing Fetish 12

Shoe Fetish

& Nylon Sniffing Fetish 13

Shoe Fetish

& Nylon Sniffing Fetish 14

I Know

what she will do

nextm  do you?

Read on and

you will figure it out.

Shoe Fetish

Jimmy Choo Boot


When you look down the shaft

doesn't it look a lot like a vagina?


With a little silicone lube let me share with you

to many a

shoe fetishist

this well worn

very sexy boot 

comes very close to feeling like one too when you climb on top and do it.


That's exactly why those researchers

can't cure a

shoe fetish. 

It is so many miles ahead of  traditional masturbation and so close to intercourse why would anyone even want to consider stopping?

Jimmy Choo

Shoe Fetish Boot


Oh yes they are just as good

and they can be bought used

on EBAY and they come

 in sizes up to size 12.

You can have a lot of opinions
and many do about a shoe fetish
but until you know,
I mean really know,
you don't know Jack.
With the right sexy shoe,
and a little silicone sex lube
 almost any straight, gay, or bi 
male can do a shoe.

Shoe Fetish Puma's


Before you say no way

take a look close at them

 and just maybe you might change your mind.

Jimmy Chooo Shoe Fetish Boot


One more look

and you might consider

these again,

in a much deeper and more penetrating way?


Laisez les bon temps rouler

 Let The Good Times Roll !!!


A Shoe Fetish can truely be one of lifes gifts

it can be a curse.  


If you have one you already know this.


If you do not,

it's hard to understand.


If you do have one,

then you already

 know an incredible & exciting secret.
We hope you have
learned to accept
& live with your
shoe fetish because it's really
a part of who you are!!! 
YES, You can adapt your social skills
and you should
 try as you may there is NO cure !!!
aversion psychological torture, for some,
might have a limited impact
with additional side effects, 
"For what", to give up this
incredible sensual & sexual pleasure?
Nonsense !!!  
Most don't want a cure
for their shoe fetish
they just would
to fit in socially
and also have other sexual partners.
WE say you can and there is a way.
After all why should anyone even try to stop something that feels incredible
& it's 
incredbile fun?
So get over it,
read these thoughts, and consider
adapting your social skills,
and accept and  
enjoy who you are and will always be !!!



Sometimes we hear:
"I Have a Shoe Fetish
 & I'm very selective about the shoes
that I like, but
I really love shoes, 
No, no, no,
I mean I really
do make love with
and to shoes"
Is that you ???
If so this site is for you !!!
We will keep your name
& e-mail confidential !!!

If all your partner needed 
to do was to 
put on a pair of sexy boots
or wear incredible high heels
& just maybe
some nice lingerie
 to get more sexual activity,
2-3 times per week, or more
 wouldn't she do that?


We are not talking about the exciting stage of a new love,

no, no, no

we are discussing the

life & times of

a social shoe fetishist

maybe even 20 or 30 years

or more later, and 

with the same partner!!!



The Shoe fetish and Boot fetish web site is not for everyone, but it is a free place to bring your shoe fetish passion, discussions, and stories out of the closet and into the light of day ---



Thank you so much for your shared interest, and for some, your curiosity about shoe and boot fetishes. 


This site writes about what it know best and focuses research on women and their shoes and men and women and their shoe fetish. 


This site is not trying to conclude that this concept of sexuality doesn't apply to both sexes and any number of combinations of sexes in both the fetish, straight, and LGBT and BDSM communities this sites research, data, and cases touch on some cases in almost all areas.  Some of the cases posted here were taken from years of communication with people with shoe fetishes. 


The cases & this sites notes are their views, stories, & perspectives, and yes they are sometimes slightly re-written to correct not all but some grammar and spelling errors and for really poor writers, to make them legible and more interesting.  In some sections this site shares some of our and our contributors comments, points of view, and views becoming one of the largest spources of collected research on this topic, as well as many personal shoe fetish experiences.  



A very limited statistic that this site has found is that perhaps there may be well over

+/-375,000 male shoe and boot fetishists in the U.S.A. alone.  Another interesting stat is that there may be 10 to 20 times more that are foot fetishists, and who knows what other preferences could be considered.  That Stat. does not count women or the rest of the world population. Knowing that the shoe fetish is an,

"In The Closet Secret Fetish" for most,  there may be so many more who would never even respond to any survey or research.  That number of people in the U.S.A. alone makes having a shoe fetish newsgroup an important place for many, most of which are still, as they say, "In the Closet".  To share stories and discussions in a world where having a shoe fetish continues to have the stigma that the gay lesbian community once had long ago.  Make no mistake about it there are plenty of those who will call this sick and perverted.  After over +25 years of considering this and looking at all forms of sexual behavior, this site has concluded if consenting adults, who do no harm to others, find this pleasurable than the narrow minded of those around us can just move on to another web site. 


By the way there is no cure for sexual preferences, and whether you are a shoe fetishist, a boot fetishist, or any other preference in or out of the LGBT, BDSM, straight, or fetish community, "Get over it already", you are who you are accept it and adjust because it seems. 

That's for real !!!    
It is time for those with a shoe/boot fetish to accept themselves and their passion and preferences, and ignore what the clearly jealous and undersexed world thinks, and get "Out of the Closet" and live your life.   Today there are way too many couples who are lucky if they have sex once every two weeks or so.  They are bored to death with each other and the passion is gone.  Many partners known to this site with a shoe fetish partner
have sex 2 to 3 times a week and have today
 and have for decades
and the passion and fetish
has acted like an
incredible spice
 that keeps things exciting and alive for both of us.  
If all your partner needed to do was put on a pair of sexy boots or heels and maybe some nice lingerie to get the sexual excitement level up to where it was the first year,
or activity up to 2-3 times per week wouldn't she?


Who says there are no open minded people to share your life's passion with?  Nonsense!!!  That is up to you and an open minded partner.  The secret is simple; If you can actually love someone else 

Take care of their needs 

foremost, and before yourself then the world of erotic pleasure can open to you.  If you can't think the other person first than you can almost plan on the curse and nightmare of being alone. 



Remember, not everyone in this world can handle shoe fetish play, and interesting varieties of sexuality of any kind so when you meet someone who hates the idea, well just move on.  You have to because you will never change who you are, nor will you change who they are, so be honest, and up front that you have a fetish.  It doesn't mean you have to blurt out every detail the day you meet but once it starts getting intimate and until you know someone better, you probably need to know right away whether or not that it isn't an automatic turn off for them.    



However, there are many who just love to play and experiment and don't mind this gentle fetish, some even have partners you might find are already excited about this fetish and if you use wisdom, patience, and real love in your relationships, well the world can be an incredible place.   At least sexually.  This is why this site finally decided to bring the shoe fetish 

"Out of The Closet"
& available to the world.   



More with just a little repetition;


This site is dedicated to the gentle and more socially inclusive side of shoe fetish behavior.  


Sure a shoe fetishist might use shoes and boots at times, and almost every humaunderstands self play.  Many play with themselves in many unusual ways at times and many are interesting, but,  many prefer shoe play with a lover,  and for some they prefer alone.  Either way the people who contribute to this site with a shoe fetish know, shoes can feel more like real sex than a hand.  In many minds shoes are the end to masturbation as we know it today for many. 



Too many researchers that write about fetish behavior rarely include or consider the shoe fetish as a mutually acceptable and mutually pleasurable bedroom behavior for a couple.   It is interesting when a designer shoe shopping woman with a secret passion for a lot of erotic shoes and a little more than a shopping interest meets a designer shoe fetish male or female with an incredible complimentary sexual passion.  



In my notes are numerous stories of patience and heightened arousal and the desire to please a partner which has lead some to become a Master at oral sex.   It seems there is no greater oral sex than when you are giving oral sex to a woman and you are so excited and aroused that passion is felt in every muscle of her body.   This skill, it is claimed, has at times not only satisfied all of a woman's desires but in places where women talk with each other has created a very high demand to want to be with people of a higher activity nature.  Don't read these notes incorrectly, I think women love intercourse too, but often they enjoy great oral sex which is so hard to find and to my amazement, in great demand and there are ways to include shoes in your oral sex play. 


Our thanks to the many of the men in the world who have gotten bored and can't give love as well as they can take it.  That perhaps is why some women can easily enjoy sex with other women.  they are bored and don't accept that the frequency of sex must decline over the years. It does not!   



Of course a shoe fetish is not for everyone and if you have a shoe fetish you already know, for better or worse, that you're one of the chosen ones.  No matter what you do it's going to be with you for life.  So again accept it and learn how to enjoy it.  The web site dedicates itself to making certain you live your life and our goal is socially integrated and not alone.  I assure you with the right  open minded partner it can, and has been, at least for many, one of life's great gifts. 


The Golden Key -- if you respect each others needs and always take care of your partner first then what follows can be a great experience for both of you.



It all depends on your partner, are they open minded enough?  Then next it is on you, whether or not you really care about them enough to really love them or if you care more about their shoes, how much time you take making love, how romantic the setting is, and then what you do next and how you do it. 



You may really love shoes but SORRY  !!!  If you are going to be an "I only want your shoes"  and "I'm a macho into myself first kind of person" -- well frankly go buy your shoes at a thrift store or on EBAY !!! If you're "me first" your probably never going to have a partner, or keep one, and you are probably already in a lonely place on the dark side of the shoe fetish.  Many who respond well to this site don't want to be alone and they don't have to be.  



As for those who can have a partner accept who you are and as Tim Gunn says, "MAKE IT WORK" !!!  Don't let your partner convince you that you can get over your fetish and be cured.   It's like being gay, you can't get over it.  Your fetish. like being gay. was a choice made in your mind long ago before you were sexually active.   Accept it.  Your life will be better for it. 



Many who visit this site have a mild side of this fetish and couldn't imagine not having a partner or a woman to share all types of sex as well as their shoes with.   After all if you can love, that's really love a partner or a woman consider the bonus, if they have an open mind they will love you back and you will also have a never ending stream of well worn used shoes because most partners probably won't want sex 7 days a week, and if they are incredible, they will also accept your collection, if you have one and your excited trips to visit that collection on occasion. 

Many, if not most who can have a collection of shoes.



This site contains mostly gentle passionate consensual shoe fetish & some mildly mutual dominance.  The dark side of this or any behavior will be left to others.  There will be No theft - buy your used shoes.  No - wet, messy, or destructivactivities - that's for someone else,  No - heavy BDSM fetish behavior that too is for others.  NO - under the age of 21 of anything - no people, no fetishes, - no nothing, if your  under 21 EXIT THIS SITE NOW !!!  This is a mature adult site for consenting adults to consider, love or hate, but to learn other views on the shoe fetish.



PLEASE SHARE THESE  LINKs -- ALL STORIES AND DISCUSSIONS -- NO SPAM, NO COSTS, NO FEES, ETC. --- The Shoe fetish, Boot fetish, Shoe sex, Boot sex, retifism, kinky shoes, kissing shoes, licking shoes, sharing shoes, shoe shopping

Shoe Fetish Boot Fetish


Out of the closet


Samples are provided on this WEB site and then the complete file if you wish to read the   complete compilation.


It is copyrighted material.  


The material on this WEB site is adult oriented if you are not over 21 please do not enter this site.  


WEB Shoe Fetish Web Site includes research, cases, and story categories along with random blog postings 

FT- fetish shoes and boots

MF: female male sex 
FF- female/female sex

MA: shoe fetish masturbation 

MM: some male male fetish 
FD- female dominant
MC- mind control








We are the # 1 research & data site for those who really love shoes and boots, and have a shoe fetish.  You can find trends, stories, and data and we are FREE


The Surprise of our research is

amazing in that there are many men but also numerous
Women who like to play, or actually have a

Shoe Fetish and/or Foot Fetish 


We were always told,

by many professional sources over the years,

that no women really ever
developed a shoe fetish!!!
Most of us knew down deep
this could not be true with the incredible volumn of shoe shopping some women do  !!!
It seems it was not true
& that many more women than

we ever dreamed of have more than a little, & agreed varying, degrees of interest in

shoe fetish related behavior.


Perhaps significantly

less than men,

and perhaps in their own way
some more than men, 

yet still this is a very pleasant surprise because the shoe fetish was for so many years

clinicaly thought to be 
a mens only fetish. 
Again, that is what we have been told & led to believe by years of research by, in most cases, people who do not have or really understand a shoe fetish. 
Yet, as sites like this actually increase and spread and we actually communicate more over the interent we are now finding women with a shoe fetish. 
These  women would never say a word publicly because of the shame our society places on fetish behavior, yet they 
now say a lot on the internet.
Yes, for many, it seems to be
a slightly different form
from men but a
shoe & foot fetish is still a shoe fetish none the less.   


Yes, both men & women are mostly

still hidden in the closet

much like LGBT

not to many years ago

& perhaps the women are
hidden even more than the men.  Yet it seems
women who have a shoe/foot fetish

have been hidden, until recently, even deeper than the LGBT community 

in their closet closets full of designer shoes & boots.


Clearly now it is apparent that the internet has made communications with so many more people easonable & has exposed more people

 to a way to communicate without damaging their

own personal lives publicly.


Both sexes have learned the erotic power of a

steamy sexy pair of shoes,

and just how much fun it is to

play shoe/foot fetish 

foreplay and sex games

 with each other.  


Many have found a shoe boot fetish drastically

 increases foreplay and

slows down the encounter 

into a very tactile, romantic, 

& highly sensual affair

of hightened pleasure

and more action.  Especially as women have now added KY Intense and G stimulating gel to their fetish activity.


BUT the real surprise was the extent of  lesbian shoe fetish images over the internet.


Yes images that may be in some cases be a response to men and
might be expected to be posted
 to market a WEB site to fetishists. 
However, it is, today there are lesbian shoe fetish notes,
blogs, and letters.  Even a match site for shoe fetish lesbians.
This site
tries to research
a few of these when found & when received. 
This too was not expected. 


Go figure, never in our wildest dreams  did we expect that so many women

just wanted to play and have more frequency of sex
& do something or do someone 
that was more interested in them,
& their sexual
& sensual spirited needs.
 Clearly women seem to have
a desire for slower more tactile and longer foreplay
& sex play & yes, for sex more than once a week. 
They enjoy exciting orgasms & perhaps ,
many want a bit wilder & more active & excited sex life that fetishes can add.
It seems to me that some women who write
consider men that are a shoe fetish partner a better choice,
a lot more fun, and a better way than what appears to be many average 
"slam bam thank you mam" affairs by many self centered men today. 
These women are slowly discovering that many shoe fetish men
enjoy them, enjoy exciting them, slow down & the shoe fetish provides
more pre-play, foreplay & even better oral sex.
If they can handle the shoe fetish man they soon discover
that everyone ends up winning
and with many more sexual encounters
and more orgasms.

The Shoe Fetish Woman


Living in a much more open minded world.

All of these pictured women agreed to play and agreed to be phtotographed by someone. 

The point for this WEB page and all of the research is that there are women out there who will play

"if" it is win win for everyone.


Having a fetish is one thing, being self centered, self indulgent, and being isolated and lving a life alone is a choice some 

shoe fetishists

choose for many reasons,

but one, many, no longer have to make.

Shoe Fetish Boot Fetish love???

Shoe Fetish Women --


Wouldn't you just love to have

a woman like her? 

WoW what fun that might be?

BUT remember and

don't be fooled by your

passsion & blindness to this Pccy.

 she wants an orgasm too !!!



No partner is satisfied when the only one having a good time is you !!


You want your partner to accept your fetish? Than, you must face reality & GET REAL

and you had better

make  certain she enjoys

 your time together too !!!

Shoe Fetish Woman

Shoe Fetish

Girls at play with shoes and feet

Shoe Fetish Woman

She would be welcome over any time.

Shoe Fetish Licking


Shoe Fetish Sniffing

Because many have spent their live's hidden for something that is not much more complicated than masturbation, and we all do that, enough, we need to open the closet door.
  Although it may appear similar to masturbation it is in almost no way the same, it's about legs, feet, and shoes and if you enjoy shoes and get excited by shoes, simply put, once you intentionally do a shoe you will never be the same again, and, there is no cure for a shoe fetish. 
READ ON !!! 
By the way it feels much, much, better than masturbation. 
Shoe Fetish
 Taking her shoe off
and kissing it.

Shoe Fetish 

There Is Something Erotic About Red Shoes

Intoxicating !!!

She has just Gotta Love em.

Shoe Fetish

She is so hot, and is she going to do a hot shoe, and then do her hot friend ???

Shoe Fetish Reflection?


Her legs down to the foot in a shoe is the best of the best.


Does she want her own shoes?


Or Do you want them?


Shoe Fetish or Boot Fetish?


This Alexander McQueen

red Faithful Bootie

is so hot it's posted it in two places. 

It was bought on EBAY from a very hot celebrity. 

They were not cheap, but inside and out they were worth it.

EBAY is  a great legal way to shop

for very hot used fetish shoes and they have a purchase guarantee..  

Shoe Fetish


Jimmy Choo Boots,

Because these are so incredible and used even better there have been so many good buys on EBAY.

My partner & I bought several pairs in not only different shaft heights but different heel heights as well.  Each one has been incredible and I always buy them in my partners size so they can be worn.   

There are many facets of
shoe fetish behavior,
and no one can try to address them all
on this site.  This site is limited to only the legal and gentle and pleasurable aspects of the shoe fetish and boot fetish. 
Although we touch on many areas
This site will not post or focus on every area
of sexual behavior.  
Clearly some aspects, which from this reseach,
appear to be less frequent, are still a part
of this fetish and might be viewed even
as a shoe fetish may be selectively avoided
on this site and left for someone else to
publish and discuss.  
The focus is to try to bring help to some
who want to have a partner and want to bring their shoe fetish
"Out Of The Closet" 
With that said BDSM forced behavior, dominant or submissive, shoe burning, wet shoe, trampling, soiled golden showers, mud shoes, and many other areas and topics that although we can stipulate that some may find pleasurable and of curiosity are currently topics for others to focus on and they won't be included here.
The focus will be to try to understand shoes,
and it will lean toward high fashion women wearing, expensive high quality womens
shoes and boots as an erotic design, and the shoe fetish in general. 
Shoes will also be included for fun,
for times when we may be alone, and more importantly for those who learn how to enjoy shoes as a sexual add-on
and as an erotic sex toy with a partner,
and then try to discuss
thoughts on the attraction and perhaps 
why shoes become a sex object and continue as one. This site might cover what it is about this fetish that for many is
sexy, erotic, romantic, and simply put a male or females attraction to shoes and boots
on or off of another person
or ourselves in general.  

Let other web sites know

this free site exists.
If you have a shoe fetish

and you are trying to learn more

 about your fetish or know someone who is frustrated

and needs to better understand

their fetish you are not alone

and you can add to and

get more info on this topic.  

If you have something to add

send it along by e-mail,

 maybe we will post it.  

 Something new can help others

to get this fetish

"Out of the Closet"

By all means do or say something,

know you are not alone.



Let other web sites know

this free site exists.



Whether it is a shoe fetish blog,

a sexuality newsgroup,
an ask questions or disccussion site,
a researcher, or a XXX
site providing and selling images & videos
 to the shoe fetish market,
it's time to share your shoe fetish
thoughts with others. 
Each of the estimated hundreds of thousands
of shoe fetishists in this country
could learn more 
and do better in their lives,
 including the XXX spots. 
Each could learn and gain a better understanding of shoe fetish behavior
to better provide resources, responses, and even adult entertainment
 to the shoe fetish world and market.

Let other web sites know this free site exists.



© © ©

© © ©

You can also access this site through
© © ©      ASSF    © © ©

This is the most comprehensive
shoe fetish
research and data resource
on the WEB today with experiences, data,
both positive & negative
from many sources.  
We are clearly
Number #1 for
shoe fetish
research & data
with thousands of visitors
& when you add in our older newsgroup
it is tens of thousands
of visitors.
Thank You