SHOE FETISH --- FIRST THINGS FIRST – The deviant behavior book that perhaps started it all. Psychopathia Sexualis by Richard Von Krafft-Ebing, Professor of Psychiatry and Neurology, University of Vienna. I was using the translated version of the 12th German edition by Franklin S Klafr, M.D. dated 1965 Scarborough Books Edition 1978. LCCC# 65-16706. In his first section that discusses fetish behavior Richard classified fetish behavior among his masochistic studies. He considered foot and shoe fetishism to be part latent masochism and part fetishism. He states that shoe fetishism is based upon a conscious or less than conscious masochistic desire for self humiliation. He may note, and perhaps correctly that those who enjoy being trod upon do tend toward the masochistic tendency. However, I am not quite certain that this type of behavior is the joy of the object or the joy of the pain. It actually may be both. Where I think he went astray was to assume that all cases went from foot, to shoe, to humiliation. He also notes a common theme in theft of shoes and the risk of being caught humiliation. He is correct in his cases that the individual was able to turn on erotically to the shoe or boot. What he also may not have found were people who were willing to share their thoughts in the time period of the writing in an open enough way to say, the shoes alone are enough to meet my needs. The rest of his material focuses on and is about getting close to shoes and boots and women wearing them and not disclosing the fetish. I suspect the rest was a cover for the real purpose, their fetish. The writing as well as the language of the time probably prevented full disclosure and the subjects themselves may have only been available as a result of criminal activity forcing the interviews. In that time, and even today, for a man to tell his partner “by the way honey let’s have a little fun today and today I really would enjoy playing with your feet and doing your shoes”, is not a very likely discussion. It wasn’t when his book was written, and it certainly remains the case today. My experience has shown me that you need to feel fairly comfortable that the person you are with will not reject you once they find out your second joy, and perhaps for some their first joy, is really her shoes, as well as, and in some cases more than her. Most men with a fetish who wish to have a partner quickly learn how to play around this subject. They use it as a side pleasure because most partners that discover your interest might be less than focused on them, well, it hurts their ego, and creates a scenario for them considering that you are rejecting them. I suspect, that is why the game has evolved, when there is a partner involved, to many interesting side issues and activities when what might really be desired on some occasions is a really good passionate romp in her shoes. Richard also notes in several cases that the fixation starts early, perhaps 10 or 11, but fails to note how or why. He also notes that their first ejaculations occur around 13 but he fails to note that it occurred inside of a pair of shoes. He talks around the subject and discusses kissing, fondling, and joy of just looking at women’s shoes and boots, and even the dream of kissing the shoes on a woman’s foot. He does note in one case that it is likely that this interest in shoes goes far beyond what one expects if you can judge by the number of men who stop at a women’s shoe store window and study the shoes. He also notes some that do not have relations with women and just shoes. He noted for some the only interesting thing about a woman was her shoes. He also pointed toward a case where a person tried to cure themselves of the fetish by repeated negative responses. He noted that person to be cured and able to have normal relations and went on to secure a partner. I think this to be highly unlikely and what I think occurred is that the fetishist learned how to integrate his fetish into a normal partnered relationship and a few endeavors into his partners closet. In my reading and personal experience I have found an ability to control the fetish and keep it from consuming my social life, but I have never been able to eliminate it. It is not an illness. However, in a doctor patient relationship this false development may have been an outcome rather than a cure to end the analysis. When Richard notes completely cured, my own life as an example says nonsense. If you enjoy shoes, breasts, oral sex, homosexuality, or whatever your alternate pleasure from reproduction it isn’t going to just end. He talks about a fetishist where the sight of shoes alone, could induce erection and ejaculation. Problematically, in his notes, this is often linked incorrectly to self inflicted pain and masochism. He also notes that if worn empty shoes are available the person could have a great romp in the shoes and ejaculation would result. He also noted that this individual considered shoes exposed in a shoe store to be immoral. I suspect if the person considers shoes as vaginal replacements and their only sexual outlet one might consider a shoe store to be a sex shop. However, recent materials and the cases I will later note show very little masochism involved in fetish activities. Because of the anonymity of the internet, there is just a plain, more open discussion about what people are doing in regards to fetish behavior. Today a person can buy used women’s shoes at thrift stores, flea markets, garage sales, and even find them on the side of the road. There is no need to steal anything, or to have to role play a masochistic activity to get close to them. With the internet you can also find people who are willing to share your joy and even participate in your pleasure. You can even buy used shoes over the internet on sites like EBAY. Can’t find a partner? No problem or need to force it, you can go out and hire a shoe fetish experienced prostitute and you don’t need to get kicked to have her let you turn on to her shoes. These too can be found on the internet in most big cities. Most of all, in this more sexually open world a loving couple can share their pleasures behind their own doors in an open way. Yes, there are still many who might run from this behavior, and condemn you to hell and brimstone. I just don’t think I could just start a shoe fetish conversation in public, but today there are many people who would not hesitate to search out those who they can talk with. I did. Some have noted that their fetish in a relationship is a small price for a lot of other pluses that are gained by their partners, and those with an open mind appear to gain closer relationships because of their understanding. It seems that fetish satisfied partners may have little to look for outside of their relationship. Krafft-Ebing also went on to various renditions of a fetish that seemed to more or less represent sadomasochistic behavior and criminal psychosis rather than fetish behavior. These may all be part of the fetish to some degree, or of what was available to Richard for interview, however, whatever the variation if it lead to a romp in the shoes it was about the shoes and their feeling inside and how that person justified getting there appeared to be the cover story for discussing the fetish. When he discussed the man hiring a prostitute to let him do her shoes that was more on target to much of what I see on the internet today. When he asked her if he could buy or borrow her shoes that was also about more romping in her shoes. We might agree when Richard notes that a fetish is the lust for certain portions of the female body, or an attached article of attire. Where we also agree is where I noted previously when I stated that perhaps all non reproductive sexual behavior that leads to ejaculation or climax that is a deviation from reproduction behavior should probably be considered a fetish. Richard notes that the body fetish is perhaps the closest to normal sexual behavior which appears to come in various and numerous forms which might also include oral manipulations, homosexual behavior. Richard notes that when it extends into a fixation on an article of clothing, let’s say shoes, it has extended beyond the female related extremities to an article of attire. Richard does not state this so clearly but he does note that most men are impacted by the power of attraction or preference to a certain portion of the body of persons of the opposite sex. Today this might include persons of the interested sex and not necessarily just the opposite sex. Here is where my argument continues and slightly differs from Kraft-Ebbing, there are fetish behaviors and there are fetish behaviors. As I see it some fetish behavior that could include shoes, hands, breast, feet, handkerchiefs, locks of hair, even socks and underwear are items that are related to a part of the person. These are forms of play used to excite and manipulate, as I understand it, in a way that I continue to feel is much more consistent with masturbation and self gratification linked to the passion and the imagined persona of a person. Other fetish behavior is more closely related to contact with the person and becomes a gratification via the actual or imagined persona of a hand, a foot, a breast, etc.. A shoe fetish, although clearly by exact definition a fetish, on the other hand has a different and much more unique character to it and perhaps should not be classified in the same way as these other masturbatory and stimulatory events. Yes the shoe can be worn by the person real or imagined who the shoe fetishist might be attracted to and or excited by, or for the fetishist it can be a source of excitement by itself. However, the different types of shoes, quality, look, feel, and textures add to the complexity of each shoe fetish. For a shoe fetishist many times both shoes not one is used. There are two shoes that take on the shape, form, smell, and odor of the wearer and by design may enhance the look, shape and sexual attraction of the wearer. Shoes also can gain a well curved and arched foot imprint and outline inside and outside of the shoe. Because there are two shoes, the shoe lover may penetrate one while kissing and fondling the other. Whether the erotic person is known or imagined, the focus can include a wearer, but, many times the shoe fetishist just is passionate about the shoe. The focus and excitement of the shoe fetishist can easily be on the curves and erotic design of the shoe alone without the person, or even the thought of the person. The focus can be, and many times can include thoughts of the inside of the shoe, the wear lines, the toe impressions, the color, the outside erotic shape, the heel height or lack of it, the touch and feel, the vaginal opening, the phallic exterior, the aroma of the shoe new or well worn, and of course the feel when penetrating the shoe to its depths during intercourse with the shoe. I do not feel that a masochistic or even a sadistic tendency of a person, that may also have a shoe or foot fetish should be considered a result of the fetish. The additional behaviors should be separated and each reviewed and considered as compound but separate cause and effect results. Cases where more than one fixation or preference exists may occur but these are not the types of conditions I am discussing or considering here. These additional conditions add a greater dimension that appear to include other psychological episodes and behavior. The shoe fetishists passion may in many ways appear outside of the normal reproductive act but from what I have reviewed and personally experienced over many years is that in most cases the individuals life that has only a love and joy for shoe fetish behavior can lead to a fairly normal life style with no other major psychological variations or complications except for the fixation on shoes and perhaps the replacement of masturbation with an active sexual behavior including shoes. However, it would still be agreed that some have used their fetish as a full sexual replacement for what might be considered normal reproductive behavior. When the fetish totally dominates the persons life to the exclusion of all other social contact the issues may then extend beyond the fetish as well to other anti social behaviors where a search for additional psychological causes and effects might be found. For the person who loves shoes, it may be that they focus on the erotic power of a shoe or boot because of the shape that is formed by combining the foot and the shoe, and although the foot by itself has its own erotic shape and form and a well arched definition, the shoe or boot can enhance that shape and adds additionally and intentionally to the wearers erotic appearance and power by design. Once a shoe is removed from the foot many retain the shape, form, wear lines, and fragrance of the wearer, and most importantly with the proper selection and placement it has a well surrounded inside which replicates the vaginal feminine area, and when viewed from the outside a homosexual tendency might see a phallic male appearance. Please allow me to share with you that I can walk into my closet and become aroused by the sight of a pair of erotic shoes and take that to completion. From a phallic perspective for those who do not share this passion, please consider the foot sliding into an erotic shoe or boot. For the most part the foot of a sexy arousing partner entering a shoe can appear much like a male member sliding into a female during intercourse. For a shoe fetishist, a woman dangling a shoe, or playing her with her shoes can appear a lot like a sexual act to many a shoe fetishist. If you consider this relationship you can begin to understand why a shoe store for some can appear as if it was almost a pornographic triple X store to others. Shoes on display and women sliding their feet in and out of shoes and boots can be a very big turn on for the shoe fetishist. Let me try to paint a view from a shoe fetishists perspective. Consider a well worn soft black fine kidskin leather 3” heeled fashion boot with a soft high quality leather flesh tone lining, well worn with the outline of a well formed foot on the inner surface and foot impressions apparent on the outer surface as well as in the inner lining of the boot. Consider this boot on a most appropriate and highly attractive and erotic person. What you have for most is a very, very erotic and exciting image for most men. Stated another way, you have a very hot woman wearing high heeled black leather boots. That picture is probably erotic to many with and without a shoe fetish. However, the shoe fetishist might see both the woman and the boots as sexual objects but in any case most non fetishists are probably more aroused a bit more by this picture than a beautiful flat footed woman in front of them with no shoes. The shoe fetish is different in that although many young experimenters may discover and start by playing with and perhaps masturbating with a shoe in their youth with their hands, on their hands or even inside of the shoe. The shoe fetishist as they mature generally evolves and many if not in most cases, for those who do not have other issues are more likely to develop a shoe fetish that can stand alone as a sexual activity. They learn to actually climb on top of one shoe or boot and penetrate their members deep into their depths and they reach climax one or more times by having intercourse with the shoe as if they were inside of a persons erotic area. Many, if not most, will fondle and kiss the other shoe with a well adapted skill while penetrating the other with their member. For the shoe fetishist one might clearly say, to these individuals they are actually making love to the shoes or boots. A true experience that can not be portrayed in words easily to the non shoe fetishist is that unlike any other diversion the shoe, if selected properly, for depth, feel, wear, proper softness and texture, and erotic look, and with a few drops of non staining lubricating gel, (like KY gel), shoes and boots, if selected as carefully as a persons choice in a sexual partner, can and do indeed feel, almost identical in almost every way to the vagina of a woman. This is not true of all shoes, but is of many that meet the fetishists fantasy. I have had both and know this to be true. The fragrance of a well worn shoe, if clean and well worn and not soiled, in many cases the blending of foot and leather can and does smell like the aromas of a woman’s sexuality. This I also know first hand to be true. Therefore, in my view the shoe fetish when not linked to other behaviors should probably be treated in a class of its own separate from handkerchiefs, corsets, and underwear or masochistic and sadistic behavior. Yes the shoes alone can, and for most shoe fetishists, can, and do, provide the ability to easily become aroused to climax. They become perhaps one of Victors most incredible secrets as an incredible sexuality that can totally become an alternative to masturbation. Shoes and boots, provide the individual with an erotic desire in a time of need, a way to actually have an interesting form of intercourse with passion and desire. (Victor’s secret as in Kraft Ebbing in my review of his material on fetish behavior sees fetish behavior from a mostly distorted view. Remember, his book was written at the turn of the last century in a time when sexuality was not a very open topic and marriage was the only honorable behavior for a sexual minded woman and in limited ways. Because this is highly likely that his views of the sexual world were tainted by his perceptions locked in that time period and limited in access to those who could, or would, discuss these subjects. He looks hard in his studies for an underlying causation and illness in the family line. He considers women as sexual objects to be dressed and adorned to satisfy their sexual urges. His view of the relationship of objects, fetish objects, are from a time when sex for pleasure was not an open consideration. Perhaps it was a time where sneaking around and finding unusual releases was an oddity. Today, homosexuality is wide open, there are sexual public places for all manners of pleasure, stores that outfit the supplies needed for that pleasure, today sexuality is celebrated and fetish behavior in my mind is an outcropping of a more sexually expressive population. He notes other conditions and links them to unusual and odd behavior that is common place in today’s more open world, Kraftt-Ebbing rarely comments on the shoe and boot fetish as another natural progression to an additional normal form of sexual gratification and pleasure or as a discovery made by some that is included and an enhancement to a functioning and healthy part of normal sexual gratification. Every case in his book noted is referenced in link with an un-natural perspective, and conversation. This in my view is how the perpetuated link to unusual behavior perpetuated in psychology. What is not mentioned is the touch, the feel, and the intense pleasure derived from the sexual experience of those mature individuals who enjoy the penetration of a good shoe or boot. He mentions how it starts for some in many cases but forgets to remind people that when the woman touched him with her boot, or when he found a pair of shoes and felt them that they actually felt good, a reward in itself. There is a simple psychological rule being overlooked, people make choices not because they are ill, but because they like it and it feels good. He also fails to mention that those who hide and are anti social and who may also have a fetish or other sexual behavior difference as well may have other and deeper problems besides the fetish. In fact one might speculate that most of these problems do not involve fetish behavior and may include the criminally insane or criminal deviants. In all of my years of conversations on this subject I have yet to find a shoe fetishist that does more than perhaps steal an occasional pair of shoes. The shoe fetishist gets turned on by the shoes, it is simple, they are not focusing their second sexual life on other individuals. However, many other sadistic and masochistic deviations seem to move far beyond s simple fetish and can include pain, bondage, rape, murder, self mutilation and pillage of a grander scale. For me, I would have a hard time considering any of these behaviors as a side interest not linked to other deep and profound psychological issues. There is no mention of the decrease in adultery that may also accompany individuals who find shoes and boots as a second sexual alternative and pleasure. However, it has been noted in my reviews and discussions over time that some women who actually understand this fetish may actually feel that their partner collecting and doing a pair of shoes of another woman is similar to adultery. However, in life the good news for shoe fetishists is that even if they did another woman’s shoes, and did not steal them, it probably is a real hard stretch to consider that normal adultery but a jealous partner might. Surprisingly, the shoe fetishist might come to see having sex with another woman’s shoes as adultery as well. Though a major rule of having a fetish and also having a life partner once again is consideration for their partners feelings and making certain of their needs. If your collecting used shoes, and most shoe fetishists I have heard from do, I would suspect that a partner might prefer that you did so without display. My partner offers and allows me a time to be alone to do what I enjoy from time to time. I don’t abuse the privilege and I never make her feel left out. My time to play with shoes is generally done when she is not interested, or when it is an off time of the month, or at times when she wishes to just let me play. In respect to my partner I do not force her to participate nor ask her to wear some of the shoes that are in my collection that belonged to others. |
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