Anyone know how a shoe fetish gets started?
In this section I used Havelock Ellis’s Psychology of Sex as a starting point for my debate. It to was written in 1933 and perhaps even a bit more open, but it lacks a well rounded modern view.
Once again as we move forward we are reminded that once upon a time it was immediately considered that if you followed a different pattern in your sex life that you were probably not normal. Much was assumed abnormal and sexuality was never really discussed openly even in Krafft Ebbings day. At that time no one really even discussed or defined what normal was. Life just went along openly ignoring most of normal sexual behavior. Today we know there are many differing patterns that make up our world sexual reality. It seems that today if the end result of the sex pattern, no matter how varied, remains ultimately procreation the sex pattern probably remains within the normal range. Interpreted what this means is that for every fetishist that can go on to include normal sexual functioning, along with the occasional shoe play, these individuals probably remain on the sides of normal activity, but within the normal range because the end result, although, occasionally distracted, remains the continuation of life. However these distractions remain true for both men and women from all aspects of sex play from oral sex to masturbation. In all fairness, we might consider the shoe fetishist who remains totally outside of procreative activity, or that chooses to lack active human sexual contact and who appears to only find interest in the fetish item and total exclusion from any procreative activity. It is my hypothesis, once again it may be, that the reason for this solitary behavior probably includes additional conditions which should be searched out besides just a joy and pleasure from any fetish or other sexual patterned behavior from a psychological perspective.
Although the term deviation is avoided today, it probably is not necessary to do so. Perhaps the new terms such as displacement are probably more politically kind, but they may not be as accurate and may not fit fetish behavior. If the term unusual fixation is applied to the shoe fetishist, which the fetish person does do. It may be because to them it is erotic, sexually exciting, and did anyone ever consider that it may simply be because it just feels good? I suspect that we may then deserve to challenge in the same way and can make the case that regular masturbation is an unusual fixation. I actually do not believe either are an unusual behavior because both feel good and are a way to release sexual tension in times of need. I would further note that the total exclusion of a partner and a reliance totally on self gratification in any case would probably not fit within this same range of normal terms and might ignite a greater concern and a quest to find other issues in the persons behavior that lead to an isolation behavior.
Ellis notes fairly that the things that a child learns to do as they form their adult sexual patterns can persist as an adult in the form of play that leads to procreative sex. As a child the experimentation later gives away to adult sexuality and intercourse. In my view, this statement can easily include the quite interesting and varied forms of fetish behavior, and there is no reason it couldn’t include the shoe fetish because in many cases shoe fetish play can be used as an enhancing foreplay to intercourse, or a stimulant for a second round of orgasms. Certainly from time to time an individual may also choose to just play with shoes as a side activity, but if the end result is generally procreative activity, there would once again appear to be much scientific review and research about not much at all. Or put another way, much ado about nothing. I caution that what Ellis refers to as defects should probably be considered and reviewed carefully, some may not be defects at all but alternate forms of play.
Havelock Ellis goes on to discuss symbols of what a fetish represents, I suggest once again it is much ado about nothing, the shoe perhaps doesn’t represent the woman, or perhaps it does as a tool for excitement and pleasure, although it is an erotic article of clothing, and is related to as an enhanced object of desire, so what. When people stop masturbating then fetish behavior in itself could probably be considered a concern. However, as long as people search for the best way to find simple pleasure, personal relief, and alternatives that enhance or accentuate procreative activities I see little issue with shoe play. In addition, when shoe play is used for fun and pleasure and not as an anti social, masochistic, or sadistic release, and when it does not involve illegal or harmful behaviors I am frustrated when I see this issue arise negatively just because someone may be enjoying getting inside of an occasional pair of erotic shoes, or even inside a lot of erotic shoes. The good news is that more and more shows on video and television are including more foot fetish play, and what appears to touch on shoe play. I expect the day will come when shoe play is out of the closet and mainstream as a sexual foreplay activity for more people.
Here are a few more cases that discuss the aspects of shoe fetish play.