Shoe Fetish & Boot Fetish Readers Contributions

I Hope you will post this, it's amazing !!!


I got to tell you about a pair of boots that worked really well when I tried your sites "open toes womens oral sex experiment".   Except they weren't open toe but all the ribs on the leather gave her an incredible orgasm.  I added G Stimulating drops, as suggested, a lot of them, and the boot glided. 


She says the combination of my tongue and the boot across her whole vagina with those little bumps on the boot toe was the ticket to an incredible ride and she did ride for it seems many minutes.  Those bumps were able to stimulate her clit in a way I couldn't do.  She loved it. 

I had unzipped these boots

right off of her and

used them gently on her clit

for oral sex. 

I didn't know what she would do,

but it turned out it was all good and one of her greatest orgasms. 


Thank you shoe fetish pages for a great idea and to my partner for being open minded.

These are really well worn size 6's and it turns out when all was done she made me have sex with them and they fit perfectly. 

I don't know what to say I went on EBAY to buy a pair of shoes that might be good for trying the oral sex experiment.  I looked for a smooth but bumpy surface and I found it in a pair of Giuseppe Zanottis I am sending along a picture to you.  No I never met the woman in the EBAY ad and she has nothing to do with my fetish except as the seller on EBAY but she is an incredibly beautiful seller.   
As for my partner.  Yes, they worked very well and I expect to try to find others and buy more.  That quality of orgasm was incredible and better than most of the times with just my oral attention.  I think it is the bumpy surface? 
However, more importantly the EBAY person I bought them from had their picture wearing the shoes and said it was her  modeling the shoes.  Look, my shoe fetish might be flaming but this was an extra bonus that made them even more exciting.  
The question was asked if a woman does a used very sexy pair of designer shoes worn by another woman is she having some form of lesbian sex?  
I'm not certain what the answer is but in my mind my partner was when she did the shoe.  The orgasm was incredible and she knew exactly what she was fucking. 
Yes, I used G  stimulating gel like was mentioned in the notes and it worked very well. 
It started with a normal sex encounter then on to oral sex and I was stimulating her clit with my tongue, and yes that was working when I put a lot of drops of G on the tip of the shoe in the pictures and slid it in where my tongue was on to her clit.
 No I didn't try to penetrate the tip and dildo her with the shoe.  She just did the shoe as the rest of the toe box covered her whole vaginal lips wet with G stimulating gel and in seconds she kind of moved me out of the way and forced her self further onto the shoe. She really did the shoe for over 10 to 15 minutes of a really high level orgasm.
  Wow was I surprised and it was better than our normal just oral sex.  But for me it was a blast to see her doing a shoe, knowing she was doing a shoe, and wanting it.  It seems she may have more of a fetish than I thought because she wasn't too much into doing shoes prior too this but she would wear them for me and my fetish. 
Thanks again for posting this wonderful experiment.  It worked really well and I hope other women try this.  I actually think this might be something that might be great for lesbians too, or all women really into other women?  Mine did a very used sexy woman's shoe and loved it knowing exactly what she was doing.  
Wow oh wow, check out the EBAY ad shots I sent with this note and she is wearing the shoes I bought and she sent them to me.  
One more note, when my partner was done and after we had intercourse she did me with these same shoes. I didn't think I had anything left, but I did. It turned out to be an incredible time for both of us.
Thank you for the ideas. 
They worked!!!
I tried these with oral sex with my wife and used the G lubricant. 
Using my fingers to
place it on her clit
it was clear she enjoy this sex product. So one I started doing
oral sex and was tonguing her clit
and I decided to put some more G  lube on the whole tip of the shoe. 
When I placed the shoe on her clit and began to pulse it gently over her clit
 it seems those lines massaged her 
to such a high level
that to my suprise she
moved me away from her clit and pushed these shoe harder on to her and what she did to them was amazing. 
She humper the shoe and
orgasmed to the shoe tip
incredibly wildly
and then she eased the shoe
just a little into her vagina to hit her
G spot and she then actually
fucked the shoe 
while my tongue was back on her clit.
It was a long orgasm and it was incredible for her. 
As pay back she took the shoe I just fucked her with put some silicone on my penis and then she fucked me with the shoe while she maafde me kiss
and fondle the shoes on her feet.
WoW, no double WoW, this was an unexpected line to cross that turned out to work well. 
It did take a long time to get near this point.  Howeverr, patience and her understanding that my shoe fetish would never leave maade her decide to get the best out of a good thing. 
Patience in developing shoe play
had paid off big time.   

This is the

EBAY seller
and her shoes
See the
second note.
This EBAY seller is very fine in my mind and this EBAY buyer and reader had a lucky find. 
And Yes!!!
I did do her shoes.


Thank you so much for this web sight --- My partner was out and I told her I intended to get stoned and spend the whole day playing with my shoe collection and I must admit with he rknowing and saying OK it was just and incredible few hours.  My passion for shoes over the years has never declined and I am so happy we discussed this yuears ago and she makes ropom in her life to tolerate my fetish. 

I must thank you again because the rule her before me is for real and it allows me to gain her permission for my play once in while when I need it.  It has eliminated my need to go outside of her to find what I need.