Open Toe Shoe Fetish Open Toe Boot Fetish
More NEWS is in; some women do orgasm with women's shoes
& now we learn how they do it & why !!!





Shoe Fetish Women

This Jimmy Choo is claimed responsible for one of the recent grand orgasms by one of our photo contributors.




The curves, the soft skin, and the open toe and tip of the shoe worked very nicely for this persons encounter over her whole vagina and they used a lot of and only KY Intense as the lubricant to make a smooth gliding movement during oral sex and to prevent soreness while stimulating her whole vaginal area.


This just gets better!!!


Thanks for the note!!!



Shoe Fetish

By the way, who says some women don't do more than just go shoe shopping?

That's Nonsense !!!

Of course some do.

Sure I can include pictures of guys and their fetish, we know what they do. So with so many random public posted images of women all over the internet I thought I would include a few of these.

It is so much more interesting and fun for men to know there are receptive female counterparts. Their fetish may not be the same, as some men, but it does exist and for some women it is a lot more involved than just shopping. It is nice to know there are open minded partners.There was a time when a shoe fetish was only attributed to men.

We can thank todays couture designers for making modern shoes so fashionable and erotic that they can no longer be ignored by either sex

And yes we know some of these pictures were probably staged but we also kknow that some were not they came off os lesbian sites.

Shoe Fetish Women

Yes we agree, these shoes are a good choice for male shoe fetish activities, but, read on for what it is claimed some women have done with them;
This discovery was a surprise to me even though complex use of shoes has been reported several times on this site but to many's surprise this style of fetish sex seems to focus better on the woman and it produces simply  better results
 it's erotic, 
sensuous, and it seems very stimulating
and yes, we agree it's still very kinky!!!
Who knew this claim would prove to be real & incredible win for both partners???  
It seems with the right open minded partner and whether in straight or lesbian sex, those looking for a new idea and a good experience might try using this sex toy for a new type of sex play.

Shoe Fetish Comments

Send your comments we need more data to
The site may not be able to respond to each e-mail  However, if the notes are  in reasonable taste and offer new insights they  may be posted in reader contributions.

Shoe Fetish

This just came in 11/12/13 and it is now an open thought with perhaps a couple of serious concerns and problems.  I'm not certain this is a good idea for a lot of reasons but as adults and as a site that reports shoe fetish data here it is regardless.


 It was suggested, and I caution this is not a smart move and do not even consider this if you have a partner to;

Hire a call girl ???

Even here we are told Not all call girls allow oral sex or will let you play with their shoes so you need once again to talk and tell her what you have in mind !!!


This action seriously concerns me but as a fetish data site it is a part of life and what people do to satisfy their fetish needs.  It concerns me because there are real risks and this direction is clearly at your risk.  Sexually transmitted diseases alone are a big concern and are not gone from our society and the destruction to your relationships and family are another.

Our view is that a known partner for sex, oral sex, and even kinky sex in our view is smarter and safer and can develop into a longer term relationship.  Yes, it is agreed, "
Call girls, well, they too can fall i love, sometimes." !!!  

Shoe Fetish & Women

We know what you are thinking... no way
they look so innocent ...
Way !!!
It's part of the shoe fetish world & it must be included.
Could this simple pair  of Alexander McQueens be a key to some of the best reported female orgasms ever ???

Shoe Fetish Notes

An important note !!!


 If you are experimenting;


Always make certain your shoes are cleaned and sanitized and remember any experiments you try are your decision and of your own  free will and we take no responsibility in any way for those actions based on this report.



So far it is noted that most women reported like this combination and the stimulation is also reported to be better than intercourse or straight oral sex. 



Cuation; Remember some women don't like oral sex, fetishes, or kinky sex in any form at all so moving forward has some real risks.  It is strongly suggested you know and talk to your partner first not after about any form of sex play you would like to try.


Send us your results;


There are now over 12 

orgasms reported

using this technique by those who stated they enjoyed it and had a very long orgasm so we will stop counting but send us your notes.


It is also reported that some declined or got angry and didn't want to play with this way and they were not fetish friendly.  


Another couple of reports included failures because of too much pressure creating soreness, and also shoes that didn't work because they were too course and not like those described.  High quality shoes & boots with soft leather are suggested for this experiment.  Payless type shoes will probably give you much less in this experiment. 


A good case for talking to your partner !!!

The top of this very worn Jimmy Choo is also claimed to have worked.  It was not not used for  penetration just the tip with G  stimulating gel was used to bounce over her clit, the persons tongue, and the whole top of the shoe with plenty of G stim gel to reduce friction and enhance her pleasure as the top and the curve of the shoe and all of those wearlines bumped and gently pulsed over her vagina and clit leading to a great orgasm.  Bingo, this pair was claimed to have done it again another whole vaginal orgasm goes into the data as achieved.  Just wondering, it seems the open toe might provide a more unique friction.  Ladies if your playing let us know what you think? 

Shoe Fetish Boots

In answer to a question - No these are not one of my previously viewed Jimmy Choos posted on this site.  It seems many enjoy and like these soft high quality leather boots for fun and their own personal pleasure. 


Shoe Fetish Women





As the notes came in on this subject I took the liberty to re-write them in a way that is hopefully more interesting and frankly improved, but yet still, perhaps not the best grammar.



Take a close look at the top of this shoe.  Take a really close look.  The curves, the lines and the open toe if you don’t immediately think about a male shoe fetish and just consider how this might fit a woman.  If you have gotten beyond thinking about them just fitting her feet you may have just made a great discovery about some, not all, soft leather designer high heeled open toe boots and shoes.

This note makes you feel dumb as a door!!!  Over 30 years and no one ever commented or once looked at it from the view from the other side.  The outside of the shoe.  Some fetish sites have women on top of the toe of anther woman's shoe but perhaps not thinking they might be on to something



From the top of the shoe to the open toe to the tip of my tongue on her clitoris no one ever considered the combination to this extent or that it could cover and stimulate her whole vagina with perhaps a tongue as the kick off contact on her clit but the open toe boot clearly beat it and finished it.  It took many years to find this secret key to a women having a shoe fetish.  We can wonder if many women shoe fetishists have found this secret.  But clearly the physical response is solid and beyond amazing.  An interesting dream might be if we only had a bunch of nice looking physically in shape open minded 35-45 year old women in the Lake County Illinois Chicago area to want to participate in a clearly unscientific study regarding this theory.  (LoL - like that will happen...) 



So far it doesn’t matter because it clearly is repeatable and it works and anyone can try it and write about it.  Please write if you do.  If you love shoes come forward to try this experiment it’s a great orgasm and it would be proven even more.



This last week or so was this new experiment was stumbled on.  Amazingly it was by accident and so simple it was hard to believe.  Yet, it was true and it has worked incredibly well for the last 6 recorded encounters in a row.  Perfectly each time.  Each encounter coupled with starting with oral sex and slowly followed by a full on shoe orgasm by her.  In every case a very incredible orgasm sometimes even more than oral sex or a partner might have given to her with oral sex or intercourse.  The Masters and Johnson sex study may have been right, women may not need men for a great orgasm.  However, it seems they may need something, perhaps an open toe sexy designer shoe may be all they need. 



Has a key to some women’s shoe shopping drive been uncovered?  Perhaps for some?  Except it may be that most women, even those with a shoe fetish have not yet figured out, or considered how incredible this fetish orgasm might be.  Now it is public and they can try.  After all why would they unless they adore and already have the female side of a shoe fetish. 



Here is the trick, this foreplay was tried with someone who does not have a shoe fetish and they were advised it intended to be a bit kinky and that the designer shoes on the bed had been cleaned and sanitized but would not be used to penetrate them or hurt them in anyway.  ( no one wants to give someone an infection or it’s all over folks for your love life ).   After the orgasm it was explained what had been done with the shoe and then, as remarkable as it seems, they let it occur again.  All one woman said was that she was spent and to give me a few days to recharge and get horny for another great orgasm.  That second one was incredible too.  She still won’t admit she loved being done by a shoe or that she had a shoe fetish but for the second time she wore a pair of sexy boots to get in the mood and then she did the open toe pair again perhaps even harder.



Let me start with a few tips gathered; 


First you have got to understand from the start that you must be very gentle and you have got to just adore giving her oral sex.  A woman would already know this, but, men, you need to pay attention this is more than about you.  Later the shoe joins the fun but this turn on has some pressure from the shoe but not a lot.  Come on guys you don’t want to hurt her you want her to orgasm to the shoe.  That’s unless you’re the jealous type than don’t start this because she fully does the shoe with not much left for intercourse.


Second, and this is the part that took me many years to determine and it happened by accident.  Nothing about the shoe penetrates her.  Sure I penetrate the shoe as a man and it seemed logical that she might be able to actually let the shoe penetrate inside of her and do the toe box of the perfect pointed shoe.  Yes that has worked on occasion with limited results.  Want success every time let the well designed top of the shoe do what it may have been designed for.  I’ll explain later.


Third, you need KY Intense or G Stimulating Gel which are topical drops that stimulate and intensify her feeling in her clitoral area.  Yes it costs a lot – SO???  Spend it if you want to get excited and use a lot of it.  I assure you that once she orgasms grandly with a shoe and realizes she did indeed not only like it but actually made love to it this may change her life, perhaps just a bit, perhaps a lot.  First she may be very surprised, she might even not know how to handle that she just orgasmed to a shoe.  Or the end result might be what can she do for you.  Perhaps she will take off her shoe and do you with it.  Or, she may punish you by making you wear a pair of your own leather shoes and doing them.  One person made her partner take their own leather shoe off and made them do it.  Want to seal a great deal?  Before you let her do you with a shoe you make some time for some intercourse with her first.  If she is in joy and worn out then move on your doing a shoe.


So how does this work, well of course you need to have the shoes out and nearby so she isn’t surprised you have a fetish.  If she knows that much she already is used to used shoes being part of the sex game.  New shoes just don’t have the character of a great used shoe.  Besides you win two ways, she does a shoe and you are doing her with her own shoe, or even better if it is another woman’s used shoe.  Shoes bought are the ones in the picture from EBAY very used, very sexy, and very ready for action. 



Now look at the Alexander McQueen in the picture.  This is the shoe reportedly used.  As you are getting warmed up in foreplay consider placing a couple of drops of KY Intense on her clit to help add sensitivity.  This by the way always works.  With shoes or not KY Intense can get things going.  Then after 10, 20, or perhaps 30 minutes of foreplay things progress.  Her clit is warmed and has not been touched as you move on down to give her oral sex perhaps she is already excited.  The shoes and the KY Intense should be already placed within reach perhaps behind her, but certainly reachable.  Maybe start by easing down and licking and fondling her clit and then you will know when she is starting to get excited. 


HERE IS THE KEY:  As you start oral sex and before it moves too far along reach behind her for your sexy shoe and place lots of drops of KY Intense on the upper leather surface of this very soft high quality open toe shoe and gently bring it on around her from the rear as you start to kiss the toe of the shoe while you continue to lick her clit.  Consider only placing the toe of the open toe of the shoe on her clit and the open toe and the soft leather edge and your tongue will create a great double friction for her.  As she moves the soft KY Intensified leather just eases over and touches the rest of her whole vaginal surface. 
It seems the increased use of KY Intense or G Stimulating Gel on the whole top leather surface makes her whole vagina incredibly sensitive.  BUT, the open toe adds a ridge that glides between your tongue and her clit and the top of her vagina making it a neat friction surface that hits and gently rubs her clit and excites her nerve ends.  The gentle fondling with the edge of the open toe is just the secret that turns her on intensely.  It's courser than your tongue and softly flits her clit with additional gentle friction.  In minutes you will find she may reach for your head to pull you in closer and pushing the whole top of the shoe tighter over her vagina and much closer.  She is at this point probably humping the whole top of the shoe and in doing so she might push your tongue out of the way as she seems to want the whole shoe more than your tongue.  At this point she may be  doing the open toe and the whole top of the shoe.  You might find you are forced to kiss the bottom of the shoe because she doesn't seem to need your  kissing her clit anymore.  However, I suggest you bounce in and out and do her clit at least some because this seems to add to the pleasure and you won't feel left out. 
However, and regardless she is clearly orgasming to the shoe and really it seems to be the open toe and the tip of the platform and the whole top soft upper surface she wants while she is in orgasm. 
Again, for a kinky partner this can be so incredible because this is a used shoe, one that another woman’s foot has been in it and it is now orgasming your partner and she knows it is a used shoe and she also knows she is doing it. 
Perhaps you might get concerned and ask, Is she secretly a shoe fetishist or if your a male, is she a lesbian?  Who knows but many men love lesbian actions and it turns out it is so hot for her some say so what.  Besides she does not resist it in anyway because it feels incredible.  Bingo, one of women's secrets perhaps solved???  Some may say it is just mechanical, maybe, but being there you might conclude it just seems like a great well informed kinky orgasm. 


It is noted the collection has several pairs of high level designer open toe shoes with very high quality leather some platform, some sandal boots and so far each one has been reported to have worked incredibly well.  It seems clear it is about trying to excite everything at once and these shoes fit perfectly well.  So, do some of the designers have shoe fetishes and incredible insight into women and their secret fetishes?  It seems maybe, or maybe not, we may never know?  Although I think Alexander McQueen may have had a shoe fetish because this line had many designs that fit this discussion.  Not so much after his death.