The Real Shoe Fetish & Boot fetish


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The pair above ---
Alexander Wang

At first I Thought no way, that is until I did them. 

WoW !!! 

Who would have suspected, I didn't....  

Billy G  
This is a recent EBAY purchase and wow are they are  hot I hope you will post these for others to see --- Giuseppe Zanotties with a 4" heel.   I have search for these high heel boots for almost 4+ years.  Finally and in a size 12.

Best wishes -- LLB

You might think these Chanel Ballet flats are not much -- but -- stoned these were so worn and so hot I did them 3 times in a row.  Just incredible and very unexpected.   Its my personal follow up to Weird Sex Stoned II  and to my note on the other page.  These are not the same pair as on the pervious page.  These are size 40.5 and not 42.  Call it WSS III.  Thanks again for posting my notes on this site.  ---   CR50 
This is the flat version of the Zanotti HH shoes above that you have posted in other sections.  I have a pair but not a photo and let me tell you they are one of the best fetish shoes in my collection and they feel just incredible and when my partner does me with them after sex they feel just about as good as when I'm inside her. 

Having a shoe fetish has been incredible and a great development in my life.   Thanks for posting -KD