There are certainly more men than we expected with a foot or shoe fetish,
but, the Surprise of our research is
amazing in that there are also found numerous Women who like to play, or actually have a Shoe Fetish and/or Foot Fetish.
In the literature we were always told,
by so many professional sources,
who by the way probably don't have
a shoe fetish, over the years, that
no women really ever developed a shoe fetish!!!
Most of us knew down deep this
could not be true with the incredible
volumn of shoe shopping some
women do and their obvious
passion for shoes!!!
It seems it was not true & that many
more women than we ever dreamed of have more than a little,
& yes it is agreed varying degrees
of interest in shoe fetish related
actions and behavior. Yes, perhaps significantly less than men but as
time goes by more is reaching the
net. Many of these women would
never say a word publicly because
of the shame our society places
on fetish behavior, yet they now
say a lot on the internet where
they can remain hidden.
Yes sadly, both men & women
mostly still hidden in the closet much like LGBT not to many years ago
& perhaps the women are hidden
even more than the men because
it seems those who have even
the slightest shoe fetish seem to
like womens shoes and they don'
t want too also be perceived as
lesbian. As they understand a
shoe fetish is its own sexuality
this stigma may decrease. Again,
and sadly, women who have a
shoe/foot fetish have been hidden
, until recently, even deeper than
the LGBT community. They hide
deep in their closet closets full
of designer shoes & boots.
Some in both sexes have learned the
erotic power of a steamy sexy pair of
shoes, and just how much fun it is
to play shoe/foot fetish foreplay
and sex games with each other.
A core truth; Many have found a
shoe boot fetish drastically increases
foreplay and slows down the
encounter into a very tactile, romantic, & highly sensual affair
of hightened pleasure
and more action. Especially as
women have now added KY Intense
and G stimulating gel to their fetish
activity and their clitoris comes
alive at the touch.
The real surprise was the extent of
lesbian shoe fetish images over the internet. Yes images that may be in
some cases be a response to men
and might be expected to be posted
to market a WEB site to fetishists. However, it is, today there are
lesbian shoe fetish notes,
blogs, and letters. Even a match
site for shoe fetish lesbians. Who
expected this? This site tries to research
a few of these when found & when
Go figure, never in our wildest
dreams did we expect that so
many women just wanted more.
They too wanted to play and have
more frequency of sex & do
something or do someone
that was more interested in them
, & their sexual & sensual spirited
We also learned, what we generally
already knew, that women seem
to have a desire for slower more
tactile and longer foreplay & sex
play & yes, for sex more than once
a week. Women like men enjoy exciting orgasms & perhaps , many want a
bit wilder & more active sex life
that fetishes can add.
It seems to me that some women
who write too us have discovered
and consider that some men that
are a shoe fetish partner can be a
better choice, a lot more fun, and
a better way than what appears to
be many average "slam bam thank
you mam" affairs by many self
centered men today.
These women are slowly discovering
that many shoe fetish men enjoy a
nd love a women who understands
and can play with their shoe fetish
even more. These women are more
exciting and the men soon learn
they must slow down & satisfy
the partner. The shoe fetish
provides more pre-play, foreplay
& even better oral sex for both but
it does not mean she doesn't w
ant other types of sex that she enjoys.
If a woman can handle the shoe
fetish man they soon discover
that everyone ends up winning
and with many more sexual encounters
and more orgasms. Shoe fetish men can be
excited to ge tinto sex very quickly by
their women just putting on a pair of sexy