Shoe Fetish Talk
This site is dedicated to all of those interested in shoe fetish trends.
Please send us your thoughts
and real shoe fetish stories
as we try to continue
to accumulate data.
We want to be the best
and the most comprehensive
site anywhere to find and read about shoe fetish and boot fetish topics.
Our goal is not to be XXX
it is to provide what we think are
real stories about how real people
think about, sometimes fantasize,
and consider shoe fetish encounters.
All notes sent to our e-mail address
will always remain confidential.
As a sub note we will include initials and what part of the country you are from and know that to respect our own privacy we will not respond to those e-mails except we consider it reasonable and necessary.
Privacy for all of us who share this fetish is paramount and our top priority.
We know the impact publicity can be for those who are not ready. A shoe fetish is not like being LGBT and it is not even close to being out of the closet.
This site attempts to try to open the door to show this can and may be a more normal part of sexuality and that it is so much more common than once believed.
Of course there remain those who are 100% shoe fetish individuals.
Many of us have been there
at one time or another.
Life is and will remain a series of choices that are personal and are respected by us.
This site will continue to focus on the gentle side of the shoe fetish with only brief touches on other areas. We will NOT add other combined fetishes such as BD/SM, wet or any of a number of other fetish options people have, nor will we support encounters or discussions with those under 21, nor any behavior that is deemed illegal.